
MJ-45-14 : (3)

這是我在澳門的車. 很少洗, 殘舊骯髒.

這是朋友在大馬的車. 閃亮的車身, 新潁摩登CLK200.

同樣是汽車, 一輛是免費的, 一輛卻要馬幣50多萬. 當欲望不斷向高檔品牌攀升, 追求的物質不再只是片面, 無止境的直往前進之后, 回首來時路, 其實一切也不過是過往云煙.

1 条评论:

匿名 说...

Well, it's wiser not to compare (at least not when you are worse off, haha). Your car is not really that bad. Thought it would have quite limited space at the back but it turned out to be a very comfy ride with me and aisuan at the back.