

从来都觉得浮罗交怡很美好, 喜欢它的悠闲, 喜欢岛上的懒懒气氛。 以前没有认真来过, 这两年趁着小妹的学院在此小岛, 连续来了几次, 很是喜欢。 虽然每次都是懒懒的待在酒店, 喝酒晒太阳游海泳去The Loft, 却还是觉得有太多的期待和发现。

日落很美, 可惜, 夕阳无限好, 只是近黄昏。

以后会不会来得这么频繁? 可能需要充电时, 还有消费允许的情况下,可以考虑岛上的一些五星级酒店, 好好慰劳自己。

6 条评论:

匿名 说...

its a beautiful island, althought my last trip 2 there was about 7 yrs ago, i still remember the time i spent there during my project, n the smell of the natural air there. i recommend u to spent some time at pantai cenang or pantai tengah, book a chalet at the beach n rent a car go round island, woo! u sure lov it.

Joyce 说...

Dear 匿名,



Mimi 说...

Thanks for sharing. in fact, we stayed at Pantai Tengah and also driving around the island a bit. Still the beach, sun and sea are more attractive to me. not to forget the breeze... just love the island!

佩芳 说...


Mimi 说...

PF, 我第一次拍日落, 真的还有很多值得学习的地方, 要指点指点哦! 谢哟~~

佩芳 说...
