

我常常想, 可以有幾個感情到老的好朋友, 坐在上海繁華的街頭閑話家常, 應該很不錯。

小學時交的朋友, 如今音訊全無。 洪先生當然不算小學朋友啦, 因為我們小學互不瞅睬, 直到大學才深交。

中學時那一班一起從北海每天凌晨乘渡輪過海念書的, 除了延續小六那時在梅姐姐那里補習的黃蓮蓉, 就沒有幾個了。

S4D那班老友, 如今當然還有聯系的幾個, 各自分散四個不同國家。 新年可能會見面吧, 分別的見?

中五時坐在最后一排那幾個, 有2個竟經由電腦拿到美國綠卡。 綠卡即將到手的楊佩欣也在美國生了3個小孩。

到了中六那一班, 除了黃秋華, 幾個為STPM共患難的朋友, 如今見面聯絡的沒有幾人。

大學時中文系那一年開始結交下來的, 如今還會每年堅持慶團圓的6位, 當然非比重要!

第八宿舍的友伴, 用英語交談的朋友,每年感恩節吃一頓飯, 也過了十多年。


工作上那幾位同伴, 漸漸成為家人一份子似的B, 用10個手指頭算不清的久遠。

當然, 還有幾位分佈各地的Erica姐妺淘。

我常想, 身邊的朋友, 有誰可以感情到老, 繼續一起看夕陽, 聊舊事, 談一些趣味盎然的話題呢?

4 条评论:

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

this article mede me to think of my own group of friends...THANK YOU! .....i am too busy with daily routine life, seldom sit back to think about good things in life, especially friends...this article "wake" me up! ...also feel honoured that my name was mentioned :)
Looking forward to our CNY reunion dinner on 24 feb.

Mimi 说...

靈感有時候滿奇怪的。 想寫很多東西, 很多不同体裁。 有時下筆時, 等我組織整理好思緒, 出來的卻有時感性、傷感、喜樂等等。 這一篇, 拍照那一刻已經心里有了譜。 很高興你的共鳴。

匿名 说...

Just came back from attending my uncle's funeral...Started to read your BLOG...Especially came to this article , a lot of feelings flow in ...When we started aging & time pass by , how many of us can still be together & become real OLD friends ? & who will be the last to leave this circle & be the last to bid farewell forever to old friends ? Really appreciate when we have a yearly gathering with old friends...peifang

Lovely 说...

Now i m helping my colleague to do the recovery for his desktop. Because have to wait i jus came to read thru your blog which i have missed out.

A lot of feelings(happy,sad,sweet & sour), "happy" is my name was mentioned. "sad" is we so apart."sweet" is we have a lot of sweet memories."sour"is when can i see u?